General Wazebot Commands
If you need general help with the bot, please check out this page.
If you ever want to stop receiving messages from the bot and end all interactions with it, send the command !wazebot optout in your private conversation with it. This ceases all communication between you and it.
Global Commands
- !help/!about: Links to the general help page
- !wb tiles: Gets current tile update status
- !wb glossary word or phrase: Searches the wiki glossary for an entry, returns a link if it exists
- !wb pl any message here: Returns only the PL from a provided message. Several URL shorteners are supported:,,,, and
- !wb profile username: Get links to a user's profiles
- !wb lookup search term: If your Hangout has a spreadsheet configured, this will search that spreadsheet for the given search term
- Michigan
- Ohio (all three)
- !status: Check if bot is currently running
- !dnd/!donotdisturb: Information on disabling notifications for a set period of time
- !mentions: Explains how to enable @mentions for yourself
- !howtomention: Explains how to enable mention another user
- !nickname: Explains how to set a nickname for mentions
- !subscriptions: Explains how to subscribe to a word or phrase
- !unsubscribe: Explains how to unsubscribe from a word or phrase
- !commands: Links to this commands page
- !sources/!copyright: Shows a disclaimer about using external sources
- !sourcecode/!github: View the source code of the bot
Fun Commands
- !wb metar LOCATION / !wb taf LOCATION
- Look up the most recent METAR or TAF for the given location.
- Use standard four-letter ICAO codes, such as !wb metar KGRR for Grand Rapids, MI.
- A list of ICAO codes is available here.
- Note that not all locations with an ICAO code have METAR or TAF data available.
- !mathfact: Get a random math fact
- !wb catfact: Get a random cat fact
- !soon: Information about Waze's definition of the word "soon"
- !funfact
- /slap any word or phrase: Slap someone!
- !table/!tableflip: Flip a table!
- !shrug: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gif Responses
- !soon
- !nod
- !boo
- !wait/!waiting
- !facepalm
- !mine
- !ign
- !cry/!crying/!sad
- !sadpanda
- !fail
- !smile/!grin/!evil
- !laugh/!funny
- !fetch/!ok/!okay/!good/!great
- !shutup/!stoptalking
- !chuckle/!snicker/!snigger
- !scared/!imscared/!fear
- !trap/!tarp/!itsatrap/!itsatarp
- !damn/!burn/!sickburn
- !phrasing/!archer
- !clap/!applause/!applaud/!approve/!approval
- !options (Spiderman)
- !spiderman/!spider-man
- !happening/!itshappening/!it'shappening/ronpaul
- !both/!whynotboth
- !ants
- !boop
- !dangerzone/!dz
- !howboutthat/!howaboutthat
- !jazzhands
- !lowblow
- !tadaaa/!tadaa/!tada
- !ocelot/!babou/!baboo