
About Wazebot

Wazebot is an automated GHO account, able to provide additional useful GHO features. Wazebot is available to help in Google Hangouts used by the Waze Editing Community, upon request.

If you ever want to stop receiving messages from the bot and end all interactions with it, send the command !wb optout in your private conversation with it. This ceases all communication between you and it.

A list of all global commands is available here.

Wazebot currently supports:

@Mentions (personal)

@mentions provides a similar functionality as Slack and the Chat Add-on for Waze Map Editor (WME). Work with Wazebot to get configured, and Wazebot will send you a direct/personal message when other users mention you using @username.

How to Configure

  1. Open a direct message with The bot will automatically accept the invitation.
  2. Send any message to the bot, no specific command is needed.
  3. Return to the main chat and mention yourself using @username. You can mention yourself using your full Google display name.
Once you're set up, you can set a nickname for yourself so others don't have to mention you using your Google name. To do so, send this message to the bot in your direct message conversation: !wb setnickname desirednickname. The bot will reply to confirm that it is set. You can then be mentioned using @desirednickname.

Temporarily disabling mentions
Mentions can be disabled temporarily by sending !wb dnd time to the bot. If you don't specify time (in hours), the bot will default to 6 hours. It otherwise disables mentions for the number of hours you specify, up to 72 hours.

Permanently disabling mentions
If you are not set up for mentions, the bot will send you a DM anyway when you are mentioned. If you want to continue receiving them, accept the conversation invite and you're all set. If you prefer not to receive them, accept the invite and send the command !wb optout. This will prevent the bot from sending you any private messages in the future. To enable them again, send the bot any message in your private conversation. To temporarily disable notifications for a set amount of time, use !wb dnd as described above.

How to mention others
You can mention others using the format @name. Replace name with the person's name in Hangouts. If the person has a nickname set up, you can use that in place of name. When you mention, you can use either the first name only or a combination of first name and last name. FirstnameLastname (no space) works, as does Firstname_Lastname (underscore instead of space). Mentions do not support spaces. Partial names work as well. The bot will send you a DM if your mention matches more than one person, you will be able to correct it with the information sent.

Highlight Words/Alert Match (personal)

Similar to mentions, you can receive a notification anytime a specific word or phrase is said in the Hangout.

How to Configure

  1. Open a direct message with
  2. Send the command !wb subscribe wordorphrase.

Removing subscriptions

  1. Reopen your direct message with
  2. Send the command !wb unsubscribe wordorphrase. wordorphrase can be empty; if so you will be unsubscribed from all keywords.
Anytime wordorphrase is said in chat, the bot will send you a direct message. You can use this as many times as you'd like to subscribe to as many words or phrases as you want to set up.

Automatic Replies

Each Hangout has its own set of commands that will cause the bot to reply with an automatic response. These are useful for sharing links to frequently referenced or important resources, or automating other tasks. You can use the command !autoreplies (or similar variants) in your Hangout to see specific commands available.

Further Info

Wazebot is a Google Hangouts bot based on the hangoutsbot project on GitHub. The Wazebot fork is here.
Note that most of the plugins shown on the original repository are disabled, but may be enabled as future enhancements or upon request.

If you have any questions not answered by this page, please feel free to PM vaindil on the Waze forum.